愛博恩婦產(chǎn)醫(yī)院·國際旅華婦人會在粵成立 IWCC founded in Guangdong

2018-09-26 15:11:24出處:其他作者:佚名


  愛博恩婦產(chǎn)醫(yī)院·國際旅華婦人會在粵成立 IWCC founded in Guangdong

  一幕夜的華尚,一場異域的唯美相聚。9月19日晚,由愛博恩婦產(chǎn)醫(yī)院婦產(chǎn)醫(yī)院、愛博恩綜合門診主辦, 由That's 城市漫步英文媒體、Urban Family城市家英文媒體作為媒體協(xié)辦,由中國法國工商會、中國西班牙商會和廣東英國商會作為商會支持的“VIP創(chuàng)始會員雞尾酒會暨國際旅華婦人會成立儀式”,在廣州文華東方酒店璀璨揭幕。

  The night of September 19th saw a great gathering of international beauties. "VIP Members Cocktail Event & the International Women in China Club Founding Ceremony" was unveiled at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Guangzhou, which is organized by iBorn Women's & Children's Hospital and iBorn Clinic, co-organized by That's & Urbanatomy English Media, and Urban Family English Media,supported by the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China, Spanish Chamber of Commerce in China and the British Chamber of Commerce in Guangdong.

  希臘駐廣州領(lǐng)事館總領(lǐng)事Mr. Grigoris Tassiopoulos、中國西班牙商會華南商會會長Mr. David Lopez Martin、中國法國工商會華南區(qū)活動策劃總監(jiān)Ms. Elise Crispin、Urban Family城市家英文媒體總編輯Ms. Lena Gidwani、GWIC 董事會主席Ms. Joanne Bisante Sammarco、廣州日本婦女協(xié)會會長吉原香橙女士、中山三院·愛博恩婦產(chǎn)醫(yī)院國際婦產(chǎn)中心教授許成芳女士、中山三院·愛博恩婦產(chǎn)醫(yī)院國際婦產(chǎn)中心副院長張秋娟女士,以及80多名精英旅華女性參加了國際旅華婦人會(下文簡稱IWCC)的成立儀式。

  Mr. Grigoris Tassiopoulos, Consul General of the Consulate of Greece in Guangzhou, Mr. David Lopez Martin, President of South China, the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in China, Ms. Elise Crispin, Director of Event Planning, South China, French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China, and Ms. Lena Gidwani, Editor-in-Chief, Urban Family English Media, Ms. Joanne Bisante Sammarco, Chairperson of Board of Directors, GWIC, Ms. Sato Yoshihara, President of Japanese Women's Association in Guangzhou, Ms. Xu Chengfang, Professor of the iBorn Women's & Children's Hospital, and Ms. Zhang Qiujuan, Vice President of the iBorn Women's & Children's Hospital, as well as more than 80 elite international women, attended the founding ceremony of IWCC.

  IWCC 作為中西方文化溝通的橋梁,在成立之初,特別邀請了深受旅華人士喜愛的英文雜志——Urban Family城市家英文媒體總編Ms. Lena Gidwani,擔當IWCC的榮譽會長。Lena女士在致辭中表示:她在廣州工作生活15年,其他大家都非常需要一個交換分享,同時可以積極影響旅華女士工作和生活的有益平臺。因此,IWCC的成立,是很有意義的。

  As a cultural communication bridge between China and the West, IWCC specially invited Ms. Lena Gidwani, Editor-in-Chief, Urban Family English Media, a very popular English magazine among internationals in China, to be the Honorary President of IWCC. Ms. Lena said in her speech that she had been working and living in Guangzhou for 15 years, and a platform of exchange and sharing was really needed to enrich work and life of international women in China. Therefore, the establishment of IWCC is very meaningful.


  IWCC is a non-profit, borderless organization with members coming from embassies and consulates, chambers of commerce, overseas offices, and other professions in China. In the future, IWCC will organize activities on childbearing, education, work rights, public welfare, fashion parties, etc., and provide health consultation and life information services to international female members in China.


  IWCC also specially invited Ms. Xu Chengfang, Professor of obstetrics and gynaecology in the iBorn Women's & Children's Hospital, who has helped many women at home and abroad with her professional knowledge, to be the Honorary President of IWCC. Professor Xu addressed that women were fearlessly stepping into the competitive male world, and striving to create a gorgeous "her era". She also expressed her willingness to care and help international women in China in respect to birth, daily health management, child education, and family health management.

  揭牌儀式后,IWCC的重要嘉賓、榮譽會長與發(fā)起人共同合影留念。圖為:希臘駐廣州領(lǐng)事館總領(lǐng)事Mr. Grigoris Tassiopoulos(左二);中國西班牙商會華南商會會長Mr. David Lopez Martin(左三);Urban Family城市家英文媒體總編輯/IWCC榮譽會長Ms. Lena Gidwani(左五);廣州日本婦女協(xié)會會長吉原香橙(右一);中國法國工商會華南區(qū)活動策劃總監(jiān)Ms. Elise Crispin(右五);GWIC 董事會主席Ms. Joanne Bisante Sammarco(右二);中山三院·愛博恩婦產(chǎn)醫(yī)院國際婦產(chǎn)中心副院長張秋娟主任(左六);中山三院·愛博恩婦產(chǎn)醫(yī)院國際婦產(chǎn)中心教授/IWCC榮譽會長許成芳主任(左四); 中山三院·愛博恩婦產(chǎn)醫(yī)院國際婦產(chǎn)中心陳佩鋒主任(右二);愛博恩綜合門診徐立紅主任(右四);IWCC發(fā)起人韋凱荀女士(左一)。

  After the unveiling ceremony, IWCC's important guests, honorary presidents and sponsors took a group photo (left to right): Ms. Wei Kaixun, the founder of IWCC; Mr. Grigoris Tassiopoulos, Consul General of the Consulate of Greece in Guangzhou; Mr. David Lopez Martin, President of South China, Spanish Chamber of Commerce in China; Dr. Xu Chengfang, Director of the iBorn Women's & Children's Hospital, Honorary President of IWCC; Mr. Lena Gidwani, Editor-in-Chief, Urban Family English Media, Honorary President of the IWCC; Dr. Zhang Qiujuan, Vice President of the iBorn Women's & Children's Hospital; Ms. Elise Crispin, Director of Event Planning, South China, French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China; Dr. Xu Lihong, Director of the iBorn Clinic; Dr. Chen Peifeng, Director the iBorn Women's & Children's Hospital, Ms. Joanne Bisante Sammarco, Chairperson of Board of Directors, GWIC; Ms. Sato Yoshihara, President of Japanese Women's Association in Guangzhou.


  IWCC will encourage close cooperation with other social organizations, clubs and women's groups. Various activities will be held from time to time, and members will also enjoy the benefits of IWCC.


  The evening was made unforgettable by the carefully organized international Pilates show, elegant and charming cheongsam show with classical oriental style, passionate Arabian belly dance, jazz band performance, cocktails, red wine, and lucky draws.

  活動現(xiàn)場, IWCC榮譽會長Lenn女士和許成芳女士、IWCC發(fā)起人韋凱荀女士、中山三院·愛博恩婦產(chǎn)醫(yī)院國際婦產(chǎn)中心副院長張秋娟主任、中國法國工商會華南區(qū)活動策劃總監(jiān)Ms. Elise Crispin,舉行了簡單而隆重的揭牌儀式。

  At the event, Ms. Lenn and Ms. Xu Chengfang, IWCC Honorary Presidents, Ms. Wei Kaixun, IWCC sponsor, Ms. Zhang Qiujuan, Vice President of the iBorn Women's & Children's Hospital, and Ms. Elise Crispin, Director of Event Planning, South China, French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China, held the opening ceremony.


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